Bob Cassidy Fundamentals Pdf Free

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The Blurb The first volume of THE ARTFUL MENTALISM OF BOB CASSIDY has already been acclaimed as one of the best books on mentalism ever written! In this follow-up second volume, Bob Cassidy has collected ten more of his e-books and created yet another must-have masterclass in mentalism! Included in this volume of over 400 pages are dozens of practical and powerful effects, three complete acts (including Bob’s incredible 21st Century Q&A act), invaluable performance tips, and further examinations of Cassidy’s classic routines! My Comments It's kind of hard to be objective about this since I edited the book and wrote the forward for it, too. This contains ten of Bob's e-books, most of which were published about ten years ago: FUNDAMENTALS, 21ST CENTURY Q&A, ONE MAN BILLET ROUTINES, STAGING IT, WORKING IT, UNIVERSE, SIDE EFFECTS, INTUITIVELY YOURS, THE ART OF MENTALISM 3, and A JOURNEY THROUGH THE FOURTH DIMENSION. All of these have been re-edited and revised and are now in this 400 plus hardcover book. Some of the pictures have been replaced with gorgeous illustrations by Tony Dunn.
There's also an index to the effects in the back of the book as well as a full table of contents for each book. As to what it contains, let's just say it covers just about everything.
Yes, Bob does go over some material that is discussed in the first volume, but the majority of the material is different. Obviously, I highly recommend the book and most certainly place it in the must-have category. I probably would do that if I hadn't been so deeply involved in its publication.
But I was and so I wouldn't blame you if wanted to get a less biased opinion about this. (You know you can't wait for this, though, right?).