Bully Game Save File Free
Aug 06, 2009 There are several save locations available to you where you can record your progress. You save your game by walking over to the diary and pressing when the. – Bully: Scholarship Edition Save Game. Copy savegame files to =>documents Bully Scholarship Edition. DOWNLOAD THE SAVE GAME NOW. Savegame for Bully Scholarship Edition The game passed by 100%! – Complete all story missions – Complete all the secondary missions – 5 levels in all classes. Free Download Bully Scholarship Edition Savegame - A savegame fiel for Bully: Scholarship Edition which you can add to your game to skip ahead.
Bully: Scholarship Edition is the remake of the original Bully game which takes place at the Bullworth Academy where Jimmy is enrolled against his will. Left there alone while his parents go on a year-long cruise, Jimmy finds that the school is full of bullies and makes it his mission to deal with them. Gameplay revolves around completing various objectives with a linear delivery, and he also has to attend school classes. Your character can fight using a variety of weapons, travel to places outside the academy get into trouble and then do his best to avoid getting caught. Moreover, attending classes enables you to learn new skills such as talking your way out of a bad situation or creating firecrackers.

In terms of content, there is a lot to do in Bully: Scholarship Edition and there are plenty of missions to undertake. Program Za Retusiranje Lica. For those who want to skip a few chapter and start at half-way in the game, you can download this savegame file which offers a 50% completed game. System requirements • Bully: Scholarship Edition.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Bullworth Academy [ ] Jimmy's dorm room [ ] On the desk in the far corner of Jimmy's dorm room, after you've completed the mission in Chapter 1. Microelectronics Jacob Milliman Graebel Van Lines on this page. School office [ ] On Miss Danvers' desk just inside the school office in the main building, after you've completed in Chapter 1. Jock Clubhouse [ ] On the west end of the football pitch, after completing the mission in Chapter 4.
Old Bullworth Vale [ ] Beach clubhouse [ ] In the small clubhouse building beside the lighthouse near the carnival entrance, once you've completed in Chapter 2. Download Software Arsip Digitaldripped. Bullworth Town [ ] Dragon's Wing comics [ ] In the basement of the Dragon's Wing comic store in the center of Bullworth Town, after beating Fatty's high score in the mission in Chapter 3. New Coventry [ ] Greaser hangout [ ] Complete the mission in Chapter 3 to unlock the greaser hangout at the east end of New Coventry.
Blue Skies [ ] Townie hangout [ ] On the western side of the Blue Skies Industrial Estate, near the tunnel leading to Happy Volts Asylum, after completing the mission in Chapter 5.