Can Usb Interface Driver

The Standard ECOM cable is a USB2.0 high-speed device that allows Controller Area Network (CAN) traffic to be transmitted and received using a computer or laptop. It was originally designed by to provide a CAN interface for OEM customers to communicate with our ECUs. Now we are offering it to anyone for custom software development. The ECOM has been in use by EControls and our OEM customers since 2006 and is designed using the same quality components that go into our ECUs. The Standard ECOM device will not work with the CANCapture software. It is used for custom application development using the ECOM DLL and API Library. Features The standard ECOM is only for use with custom user-developed software and will not work with CANCapture.

The unlocked ECOM will work with both custom user-developed software and CANCapture. Standard ECOM Software Features: • Easy-to-use API supports most programming languages - C, C++, Visual Basic, VBA for Excel, C#, J#,.NET, Java and any other language that can load a DLL file. • Supported by Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7 • Can easily handle full bus loads at up to 1Mbit/s - hardware filtering available if needed. • Includes examples of capturing CAN data directly from Microsoft Excel, C/C++, Java, LabView and C#.NET. • Uses Philips SJA1000 CAN controller and Infineon TLE6250 transceiver - 29-bit, 11-bit, Error frames, remote transmission and hardware based self-reception all supported. • Hardware timestamps with 64us resolution.
Standard ECOM Hardware Features: • Circuit board is cased in a gel potting to keep it resilient to weather and other extreme environments. • Completely powered by the USB bus on your laptop or PC (. Support Files Latest Driver Installation: • - Installer for ECOM device driver, includes Microsoft Excel examples as well as the developer API include and library files. • - ECOM hardware device driver installation manual. Passengers By Jon Spaihts Pdf To Word. Supporting Documents: • - Official drawing that contains dimensions and pinouts for the ECOM device and connectors that ship with the ECOM.
• - 3D Step model file for the ECOM cable. • - ECOM library example of how to open an ECOM device and print CAN messages to the screen for 10 seconds. • - Equivalent of the C/C++ example but using Java instead. Also includes a useful interface class for making ECOM DLL function calls using the JNA (Java Native Access) library. • - Equivalent of the C/C++ and Java examples above, except for LabView.
Simply displays all received CAN messages for X number of seconds into an array on the screen. Also contains a LabView 'driver' that is a strongly recommended starting point for developing LabView applications that will use the ECOM device. • - Download includes a library interface class for accessing all the functions and constants used by the ECOM API/DLL library. Example simply uses this class to display all received CAN messages for 10 seconds and outputs the received messages to a console window. Library should be used for anyone wishing to do C# development using the ECOM API/DLL. • - Basic schematic showing the pinout and color codes for the harness that comes with the ECOM device. • - Documentation for the DLL/API programmer's interface for the ECOM hardware device.