Chromium Libpdf So Downloads
Install java,flash,mp3,mp4 to Chromium. This script downloads and installs libraries needed for Chromium, so. Cp /opt/chrome-unstable/opt/google/chrome/libpdf.
Google’s PDF Plugin is most excellent for most needs – and for anything else you can actually download the PDF and do whatever you want to do with it ( sidenote though: printing would be really nice. Pretty please, Google?). Unfortunately, it only ships with the and is therefore not available in the editions most distributions ship. Interesting I just checked on a clean Ubuntu 10.10 RC x86 (32bit) install. Didn’t have a 64bit.iso here, but actually shouldn’t make a difference.
It just worked. My steps: # sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chromium-daily/stable # sudo aptitude install chromium-browser chromium-browser-inspector chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra [download Google Chrome stable] # cd ~/Downloads/ # ar vx google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb # tar --lzma -xvf data.tar.lzma # sudo cp opt/google/chrome/ /usr/lib/chromium-browser/ # chromium-browser Checked on some PDFs, all displayed flawlessly using the integrated plugin. Only thing I can think of right now – since Chrome/Chromium 14 are stable right now, is it possible you are trying to plug the 14.x plugin into the 12.0.742.112 Chromium version or are you absolutely sure you have the plugin from the 12.x branch available? Byron Sharp How Brands Grow Pdf Printer here. The downloads from Google all point to the 14.x branch right now.