Cooley Munson Debt Rarest

Bill Cooley and Alan Munson were two friends in Santa Barbara, California, living their early twenties writing folk- rock songs for their pleasure. That was 1972, and they decided to put these songs into studio, autoproduce the album and press a tiny quantity of 500 pieces hoping it could help getting a contract with a major company. Desain Banner Format Cdr. This never happened, and as you would have guessed, this fact helped to make their sole album, ' In Debt', a major collectable item with the folk- rock and psychedelic rock listeners and collectors. Today, original copies of this record fetch quite interesting sums when changing hands in record fairs or internet auctions. Being a private pressing, you can easily imagine it's not a big production, but no care.
Buy Cooley-Munson - In Debt [LP] at Music: Rock: 396. Buy Cooley-Munson - In Debt [LP] at Music: Rock: 396.
This album has the right feel and you won't need anything else to make it one of your recent faves. All tracks are original compositions, and the style is very personal. It's folk- rock, but many tracks are quite psychedelic too, in their own way. But don't look close for influences, they will not come to mind that easily. Bill and Alan had their own psychedelic folk- rock style, and the raw, sometimes amateurish feel that these recordings have, give the album the final distinctive touch.
Never reissued before in any format, now here we come with a splendid reissue, with the collaboration of the guys. Remastered sound taken from the original mastertapes, and including an insert with linernotes and unseen pictures. Dig that amazing artwork too! CD version comes with booklet and outer slimcase. Alan Munson kept going the folk- rock way and released two solo albums during the 70 S60v3 Symbianos9 1 Cracked Binpda Rar Download here. 's too, which we are also re- releasing along with ' In Debt'.'