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You have received an invitation to interview which uses the Multiple Mini Interview format. First, recognize your accomplishment – by reaching this stage, you are among a select group – you are one step away from gaining admission. The final stage of the application process offers you the opportunity to shine and distinguish yourself from other qualified candidates; however, it can also be a highly stressful period marked by uncertainty and anxiety.

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Although these feelings are common among applicants, they are typically more pronounced among candidates facing Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI). A multiple mini interview consists of a series of short, structured interview stations used to assess non-cognitive qualities including cultural sensitivity, maturity, teamwork, empathy, reliability and communication skills. Prior to the start of each mini interview rotation, candidates receive a question/scenario and have a short period of time to prepare an answer. Upon entering the interview room, the candidate has a short exchange with an interviewer/assessor. An MMI circuit varies in the number of stations and timing of each station. Candidates typically exhibit anxiety in anticipation of challenging questions that may arise.

Many people have difficulty formulating logical, cohesive, polished answers within the allotted preparation time prior to the start of each station. How well you perform during the actual interview and whether you will ultimately succeed in gaining admission to medical school (or another healthcare profession) is in large measure linked to the preparation you do in advance. The most effective strategy to prepare for an MMI is to anticipate the types of questions/scenarios you will face and to practice your answers. Cheap Trick Rockford Zip Line.