Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Script

In an enemy notebox, you can add some tags.where [action_id] corresponds to the enemy's action list, and [shortcut] corresponds to one of the implemented targeting priority method. Example: This will make the enemy target the battlers with the highest HP value when using action number 1 (by default Attack). This will make the enemy target the battler with the lowest HP percentage when using action number 2.
If the action no. 2 is set to Heal, the enemy will proceed to heal its ally with the lowest percentage of health. Available targeting shortcut is as follows: low_hphigh_hplow_hp_ratehigh_hp_ratelow_mphigh_mplow_mp_ratehigh_mp_ratelow_tphigh_tplow_tp_ratehigh_tp_rateselfnot_self If you want to make your own targeting condition, use [eval]where [eval] is a ruby expression that takes returns -1, 0, or 1. In the eval, a and b denotes the battlers that would be sorted. For example, to make the enemy prioritize Eric when doing its ultimate skill, the tag will be if == 'Eric'-1elsif == 'Eric'1elsea. Paolo Nutini New Shoes Download Zippy Pe. hp b.hpendDo note that target selection is done at the start of the turn, like actors. The enemy will not suddenly change target mid-turn, for example if its target had already healed. Also, TGR have no effect on acquiring target with this script.
The default VX Ace's enemy targeting behavior just pick a random target for any actions. This script adds some AI targeting priority. With this script, the enemies.
Patches This script should work with most battle system. For now, there exist a patch for Schala Battle System. Credits Give credits to Shad3Light (me). For use in commercial project, I expect to at least be contacted first. If you don't specify any tags for the action, it will assume the default targeting method (the randomness.) It only alter targeting for specified actions, so, for example, you can use this just for bosses, or human enemies that can think. For even more awesome AI, you can also use Hime's script in conjunction with this. I also made a similiar script for my personal use, but I have not released it, and it is not yet commented.
Edit as to not double post: I've made a patch to make this script work with Schala Battle System. I also edited the first post to add it there.
I'd advise an Enemy I made up suggested as: death FEARS. They have each and every of the valuables you reported yet they stay off of difficulty so like, ONE purpose to the pastime ought to prefer to be to rid your participant of difficulty yet, until eventually eventually that takes position, in the experience that they run low on well being, that that they had commence up taking pictures Shadow dragons at you and they mainly circumstances drain your well being. They mite make excelent (mid) bosses.
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