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Addressing enterprise-wide medical imaging challenges Centricity™ Solutions for Enterprise Imaging delivers a portfolio of products dedicated to helping to improve the clinical, financial and operational outcomes that healthcare organizations that are required to deliver care in today’s value-based environment. Centricity Solutions for Enterprise Imaging, delivers imaging solutions help improve productivity, increase access to patient information and manage the overall cost of large volumes of clinical images and patient data effectively and efficiently. Coolsat 6000 Premium Bin Files.
Our definition of enterprise-wide integration extends beyond radiology imaging to cardiology, women’s health, oncology ambulatory and acute imaging with solutions for the acquisition, storage and viewing of images and patient data across the enterprise. Built on a common technology platform and leveraging industry standards, Centricity Solutions for Enterprise Imaging offers a modular, yet integrated, solution suite approach that includes PACS, RIS, CVIT and Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA). We believe that four key components below are required to develop a complete enterprise imaging strategy that helps to enhance patient care and targets the challenges that healthcare organizations face today. Expand the four sections below to read more. Medical imaging systems that display 2D, 3D and 4D images from multiple specialties on a common viewer with analytics Customers list improving efficiency and care delivery as two of the most important outcomes that a healthcare IT system must deliver 1. Studies show that in the multi-system environments deployed in many medical institutions, radiologists can spend up to 19% of each day going between different systems and workstations to obtain all the patient information needed to finalize a case. 2 Once orders are received and images are acquired, radiologists and cardiologists use visualization tools to read the images, review current clinical data and compare them to prior exams and prior patient history in order to deliver a diagnosis and recommend treatment options. After exams are read, clinicians use visualization tools to review the exam and the report, either through the EMR, physician portal or through direct access to the imaging systems.
Centricity PACS Office-IW. Centricity Acute. Centricity Contract Management. Centricity EDI. Centricity EDI. A division of General Electric Company. Centricity PACS Office-IW. Centricity Acute. Centricity Contract Management. Centricity EDI. Centricity EDI Advance. ©2018 General Electric Company.
Centricity PACS by GE Healthcare offers a proven, scalable imaging IT platform to optimize radiologist productivity, enhance physician satisfaction and interoperate. Centricity* PACS with Universal Viewer Universal Viewer. Where it all comes together. Gross Beat Keygen Generator. GE Healthcare.
Consolidating multiple PACS and Advanced Visualization systems into a single workstation, incorporating workload management tools and delivering access to images from multiple care areas increases clinical collaboration and productivity to help clients save time, improve report turnaround time, increase the number of studies that can be read in a day and improve patient care throughout the enterprise and the community. 1 GE Healthcare and ITG Market Research April 2015. 2 Radiologists’ Burden of Inefficiency Using Conventional Imaging Workstations, Dr.
Bruce Hillman and Dr. Bhavik Pandya, Journal of the American College of Radiology. November 2013.
Unlike disparate PACS and 3D systems, Centricity Universal Viewer helps to increase efficiency by simplifying information access with a single image repository across 2D and 3D studies, enabling holistic oncology and other specialty workflows, with easy access to prior exams. The embedded advanced applications decrease the need to log in to multiple applications and retrieve images for comparison from stand-alone “mini PACS” systems, allowing radiologists and clinicians to read exams more efficiently. This also helps increase IT productivity by reducing requests for DICOM resends and image moves between systems. For nuclear medicine clinicians, increased access to Xeleris applications on Centricity Universal Viewer provides an integrated workflow with desktop integration to help improve reading efficiency, diagnostic confidence and have more relevant data available for image interpretation. This increased access to clinical images in more locations can help enhance patient care and improve clinical collaboration. ViewPoint™ 6 with desktop integration to Centricity Universal Viewer, provides a comprehensive solution for ultrasound reporting and management across multiple care areas. ViewPoint™ 6 is a dedicated ultrasound reporting and image management solution.