Level-d The 767 Winglet Update 1.01 - Download Free Apps

PC Pitstop offers free computer help. Level-D 767 Winglet Update 1.01 for FSX Install Program. PC Pitstop offers free computer help. Level-D 767 Winglet Update 1.01 for FSX Install Program.
Hi I'm having some trouble with installing winglet repaints. I installed the upgrade no problem, download the repaint, put it in the 'downloads' folder inside the 767 winglets directory in fsx, load up repaint manager, select the new livery, but when i hit 'install' it gives me an error message saying 'an error occured with the repaint package file named. Dare To Win Jack Canfield Pdf To Excel.
Blah blah file path of the repaint im trying to use.ldx' and thats it. I've uninstalled/reinstalled, ran as administrator, tried a different repaint. Anyone else getting this?