Open Pdf In Iframe Passing Byte Data Types

If you're reading the stream using the Read function then chances are you're only reading part of it as streams deliver their data in chunks so what you have written to disc is only part of the file. Either keep using the Read method and appending to the buffer until the entire stream is read or use a method that reads the stream in entirety (if one exists), or one way is to use File.Create to create a stream that writes to the desired file on your disc, then simply use the CopyTo method of the stream that has come back from the webapi to copy it to the stream you got from FileCreate. That will handle all the chunking for you. I have sample code for this but not on me right now, you can use the above to give it a go or google for a solution, and failing that I can dig the code out when I have it in front of me. Your API will return something like return new FileStreamResult(pdfStream, ' application/pdf') where pdfStream is a stream of your PDF, either from a PDF generator that returns the PDF as an in-memory stream, or a stream from a file if it is on the disk.
If you want to retrieve the PDF from this api and show it in the browser you need to read the stream, then re-write the stream to the client. When answering a question please: • Read the question carefully. • Understand that English isn't everyone's first language so be lenient of bad spelling and grammar.
ASP.NET MVC Action Results and PDF. To work with your particular type of binary data. The PDF file, you just pass its path to the TransmitFile of the.
Cancer Biology Roger King Pdf To Excel on this page. • If a question is poorly phrased then either ask for clarification, ignore it, or edit the question and fix the problem. Insults are not welcome. • Don't tell someone to read the manual. Chances are they have and don't get it. Provide an answer or move on to the next question. Let's work to help developers, not make them feel stupid.
Hi Jason, As Jeremy mentioned, you can create a custom simple HTTP or FTP server in local machine via HTTP or FTP protocol to transfer the PDF data like: axPdf1.LoadFile( 'or axPdf1.LoadFile( 'ftp://url/C#.pdf'); However, you know, if it is not necessary, it is prefer that put the data to a temporary file to use that method, for it is much more simply to implement it. Well, you can delete the temporary file when there is no need to use it anymore. Regards, Xun Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Hi Jeremy, There is a WebBrowser.DocumentStream, but I can not figure out how to tell it that my stream is of type PDF.
When I try to set a MemoryStream of my PDF docuemnt to the WebBrowser's DocumentStream the content that is rendered is just a jubled mess. It is trying to display my stream as if it were HTML. Is this what you meant by output the content as a stream to a webpage? If not, can you explain a little, this might be what I need.
I really want to display this as a webpage inside a WebBrowser in my application. Hi Xun, The PDF files are reports that the users are running. I am afraid to save hundreds of PDF files to their hard drives. I am writing the PDF file just to open in a browser embedded in my application, so would it be good practice to store the files in Temporary Internet Files directory since they are clearned more often then c:TEMP which is never cleared. That means I would be using FileStream.Write to a location in Temp Internet Files.
BTW what Namepace and Class is axPdf1 from that you used in your example?