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Controlled Substances: Drugs of Abuse - Cocaine/ Crack • • • • • • • • • • • Drugs of Abuse - Cocaine / Crack Cocaine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant derived from the leaves of the coca plant (erythroxylon coca), indigenous to the Andes Mountains in South America. Coca has been used for centuries by the natives of Peru and Bolivia, who chew or suck the leaves to increase endurance and relieve hunger. Its effects are similar to those of amphetamines. Pure cocaine was first extracted and identified in the mid-1800's and was introduced as a tonic / elixir to treat a wide variety of real or imagined illnesses.
Later, it was used as a local anesthetic in eye, nose, and throat surgeries. Its more famous 19th century proponents included the psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, who described it as a 'magical drug' with the ability to ease the symptoms of depression, alcoholism, and morphine addiction. To the disdain of Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes made frequent use of cocaine's apparent ability to increase mental powers and reduce fatigue. Kawai Midi Patch Bay Software. Until the turn of the century, cocaine could even be found in Coca-Cola.
It was made illegal after World War I, except for medical purposes. Most of its therapeutic uses have since become obsolete with the advent of amphetamines and other synthetic drugs. Sonic Recordnow Free Italiano Delite. The leaves of the coca plant are made into a paste and its contents heated with hydrochloric acid to produce cocaine hydrochloride. This most common form of cocaine is a white, crystalline powder, freely soluble in water, but rarely used internally or injected.