Real Time System By Liu Pdf Merge

»Real-Time Systems, Jane W.S. Liu, Prentice Hall. Principles of Real-Time Systems »Mainly real-time scheduling theory »The goal is deterministic behavior. Task Scheduling with Self-Suspensions in Soft Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems Cong Liu and James H. Anderson Department of Computer Science, University of North.
The aim of the course is to introduce a special class of time-sensitive computer systems known as real-time systems whose behavior must satisfy timing-constraints (i.e. They are often embedded in safety-critical applications such as modern vehicles, process control, and traffic control etc, and therefore they are also known as embedded systems. In particular, the 5hp course variant covers these topics: • Real-Time Operating Systems • Real Time Programming Languages • Scheduling Theory and Resource Management • Worst-Case Execution Time and Response Time Analysis • Real-Time Communication and Distributed Systems The 10hp course variant additionally covers the following advanced topics: • Multiprocessor systems • Design and Validation (Modeling, Verification and Testing) • Fault Tolerance and Recovery Course Material. Literature •, Alan Burns and Andy Wellings, Addison Wesley, 2001.
•, Giorgio Buttazzo, Springer, 2005. Liu, Prentice Hall, 2000. • Slides The slides used in the lectures will be made available during the course and linked on the. Recommended Reading • In the text book by Giorgio C Buttazzo: • Chap 1 - 5, 7.1-7.4 • Chap 9.1-9.6 • Chap 11 • In the text book by Jane W.
Liu: • Chap 1: read through • Chap 2: read all sections • Chap 3: read 3.1-3.4 and read through 3.5-3.9 • Chap 4: read all sections except 4.8 • Chap 5: read all sections • Chap 6: read all sections • Chap 7: read through all sections except 7.4, 7.8 and 7.9 • Chap 8: read all sections except 8.9 and 8.10 • Chap 9: read all sections except 9.7 • Chap 12: read 12.1-12.3 • In the text book by Burns and Wellings: • Chap 1, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 Lab assignments. The course offers four lab assignments. They are described in detail on their corresponding pages: • • • • For each lab assignment, you need to hand in a report. You need to get a 'passed' on all reports. Presence during lab hours is optional but highly recommended. Deadlines: Each lab has a deadline and you should hand in your report before the deadline.
Hand-ins after the deadline will still be graded, but won't get any bonus points (see below) and are checked with much lower priority. However, after 1.12., we do not grade any hand-ins anymore. You will have to wait until the next course in autumn next year. Please take this seriously.
Bonus points: Depending on the quality of your report, you can get up to 5 bonus points for each lab, to be added to your exam result (which otherwise has max. This only holds for your first hand-in for each lab that is on time.
I. The Senses Considered As Perceptual Systems Gibson Pdf To Jpg here. e., you won't get any bonus for late hand-ins (after the deadline) nor any additional bonus for re-hand-ins (because of 'komplettering'). The results of your hand-ins will be posted on the page.