Sierra Games Evil Genius Brewing

Evil Genius founders Trevor Hayward and Luke BowenThe saying goes when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade; founder Luke Bowen did just that when he took the economic crash of 2008 and created a brewing company. Bowen fell in love with beer from an early age as he was exposed to quality craft brewing through his father, an avid beer fan himself.Throughout his teenage years he got to see some of the inner workings of the beer world and grew to respect the art, while hoping one day to become a part of the industry himself. After going to college and securing a job Bowen was safe and financially stable, but wasn’t fulfilled – “I had my degree and the fancy job after college that you’re supposed to get and I just wasn’t happy at all.” Bowen’s next course of action is something he highly recommends everyone doing at least once, he quit his job. Choosing to go back to school he was only a couple weeks into the semester when the financial crisis of ’08 hit.
Virus Jwgkvsq Vmx Removal Tool more. Evil Genius beers are easy to spot! Evil Genius opened their new Brewery and Beer Garden in Fishtown. Evil Genius Beer Co. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Evil Genius Beer Company on Beers, ratings, reviews, location, distribution and more.
Under scholarship with two years to determine the rest of his life he met his future business partner in his very first class, Trevor Hayward. Hayward, originally from Dublin, Ireland had interest in beer and brewing as well. There the two sat with future employment opportunities looking bleak do to the recession and decided to craft their own business, a brewing company. The company’s name was created where many a great inventions have been thought up, on a couch with two friends throwing ideas back and forth during the early morning hours. Finally Evil Genius was born out of the desire for a name that wasn’t stuffy or overly formal, but still wasn’t too over the top. From the very beginning Bowen and Hayward had an eye towards creating great beer as well as a strong brand.