Virgin Cable Boxes Hacked Games

Mar 20, 2011 I have been told that in parts of Leeds the Virgin boxes have been hacked into by virgin staff and that they call premium rate numbers and. Download Virgin Cable Boxes Hacked. I have been told that in parts of Leeds the Virgin boxes have been hacked into by virgin staff and that they call premium rate. Keihin Cr Special Carburetor Tuning Manual Woodworkers. Could the Virgin Media Super Hub 2 router be hacked? A spokesperson for the firm told The Sun. Connect your computer up to the Super Hub using an Ethernet cable.
Hi,after reading that people have challenged Virgin Media about the calls on their bills which seem to steadily go up and that they think they did not make and, Virgin not adressing the problem i thought i would mention this. I have been told that in parts of Leeds the Virgin boxes have been hacked into by virgin staff and that they call premium rate numbers and add them to peoples bills!!
I do not know if this is true nor can i prove it alone for that more people would have to check their bills???? My bill went up and so i rang virgin and mentioned the above and asked for my bill to be looked at before i paid it.
The woman on the line did not even log what i had said-WHY?-you would think Virgin would want to look into something like that!!I found she had not logged what i had said when i recieved a bill with an added £ 10 late bill fee and i rang up and said my bill was being itemised.the new adviser said there was no record of my complaint and that if i had asked for my phone bill to be looked at she would have told me it was £99 to do this? I have been told to send an email in to head office so they can listen to me asking for my bill to be looked at and where i mentioned to them re/hacking of there boxes. But i could not find the **email and the virgin site went round in circles!!! Also when i rang a couple of mobile numbers from my line a voice came on and asked me to redial the numbers-my friend heard this and sad the caller could be anywhere in the world!
Virgin are cutting off my service on sunday. Check your virgin bills out there. The virgin engineers can connect to lines while out on calls!!!! From thebox-it was a bt engeineer who found out about the scam. As for the voice on my phone line that interrupted two calls and asked me to redial a number-the voice both times was a cockney-home counties type not bow bells. ---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 17:08 ---------- You did not understand -i mean the green virgin box outside -not an appliance inside a house!!!!
I think the boxes are different colours in different parts of the country. Why wouldn't virgin engineers hack so they can do premium rate calls? They might if they thought they had a fool proof way of doing it? I t did happen-look now nobody believes that it has and maybe it will only be brought to light when more people question their bills.
Why did virgin not log my call when i rang in about it?? She said to me-how do you know it was not the bt engineer-well it has never been reported that bt has done anything like this-and also while with bt a voice never interrupted my calls asking me to redial mobile numbers! You would think a member of staff would say to me--'oh i will send that information off to the department concerned'-not -ignore that information and another customer adviser a week and a half later tell me she has not logged that i even rang in! Why wouldn't virgin engineers hack so they can do premium rate calls? They might if they thought they had a fool proof way of doing it?
I t did happen-look now nobody believes that it has and maybe it will only be brought to light when more people question their bills. Why did virgin not log my call when i rang in about it?? She said to me-how do you know it was not the bt engineer-well it has never been reported that bt has done anything like this-and also while with bt a voice never interrupted my calls asking me to redial mobile numbers!