Drivers Ed Brake Pedal Kit

Our driver training brake can be shipped anywhere in the USA and can be. Driver Training Facilities; Driver Education. Dynamatic Instruction Manual. Easy to use right hand brake pedal.
Introduction To Our Instructor Brake Kits We market two different types of cable operated Instructor Brake kits. Our company was founded on the development, manufacturing, and marketing of the Twin Stop, TS, instructors brake, which you will find displayed on the left hand side of this web page. More recently, we have also imported a product that has been available in Europe since 1974, FAT dual control kits.
This is displayed on the right. Megascenery Earth New York 0047. They’re both good instructor’s brake kits, however if you are interested in a good, basic product, we would recommend getting the FAT product. It’s considerably less expensive and is our most popular selling product. The Twin Stop kit is a more compact design and has been a favorite with some driving instructors and installers. It can lead to a responsive brake pedal and cosmetically pleasing final product, if the time and effort is put into the installation.
If you’re interested in also getting an accelerator pedal or a full manual transmission kit, you will be required to go with the FAT product, since the Twin Stop kit is strictly brake only. Dimension information for the two different products is given within this web site. You may want to consider how a kit fits into your particular vehicle since the TS kit may fit better in some applications, as opposed to the FAT kit and vise versa. An important consideration is how the cable will be routed over to the driver’s side and what would be the better cable exit position for the main unit. On the Fat kit, it is low and on the TS kit it is up higher. Go to the kits' respective dimension pages in order to find this information. Click the links on the right above to get more information on these specific products: The 'TWIN STOP' (TS) System or The 'FAT' System.
Presidents note: The cost of our TS kit is about 67% more than the equivalent FAT brake only kit, however you may want to consider that the TS kits are somewhat more complete. It includes a spare cable, installation metal, and installation hardware.
On either kit, cables can be expected to last for the life of the vehicle, however this depends largely on the quality of the installation and what obstacles must be overcome. Some vehicles will allow for a nice, straight cable path from the passenger side to the driver’s side, where in others, it’s impossible to find a good path, no matter how dedicated the installer is. A straighter cable path leads to a better functioning dual control and a longer lasting cable life. We do end up selling more replacement cables for TS kits, however you may also want to consider that these replacement cables are considerably less expensive than the FAT kits.
You can find current cable pricing on the “Buy Now” page.