Megascenery Earth New York 0047

MegaScenery Earth - Best flight simulation software developer hardware manufacturer. Descent Pig And Hog Filestream. MegaSceneryEarth 2.0 is the ultimate in photoreal scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. MegaSceneryEarth 2.0 - New York Complete State. MegaScenery Earth - Best flight simulation software developer hardware manufacturer.
Possibly one of the nicest complete state photoreal packages currently available for FSX and P3D - Enjoy the real and varied beauty of New Hampshire in the Northeast USA with the MegaSceneryEarth 2.0 New Hampshire scenery package. Stunning mountain terrain, rolling valleys, busy freeways and HD textures derived from 50cm/pixel source imagery.
It does not get any better than this in FSX! Purchase your copy from: PC Aviator Australia - PC Aviator USA - Please subscribe to our channel for more great FS videos and feel free to 'Like' and comment on this video.