Liton Lvc9016g Manual Meat

The LVW-5005 DVD Recorder came with a list of recommended brands for each type of disc, and they are all different in all categories. Some brands are recommended for CDs, some for DVDs, etc. They are not the same in any catagory. Most of the ones I bought were not on the list, because I couldn't find those listed anywhere in my neighborhood here in California.
Some worked before, but are not working well now. Some have never worked, and some are failing intermittently. The INVALID DISC message comes up on both units often, but when it comes up on the LVW-5005 unit the DISC eject feature will not eject. The open close door stays shut and says it is open, but sticks and keeps trying to reread the disc.
Iso Coated V2 280 Ecigsmokestore here. You actually have to tip the machine down to let gravity help, and then turn it on and off and on and off and it finally opens and drops out the invalid disc. Black Angels Crumb Pdf Merge on this page. The LVC-9016G unit says 'change disc', or gets stuck on 'Preparing'. Sometimes it prepares, and then I can actually record, but when I try to load it later. This too is INTERMITTENT.