Trek Cc Ryder Bike Trailer Manual

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Cons: No jogger conversion, plastic wheels We recently returned from vacation in the mountains, where we tried out a child bike trailer for the first time. My 18 month-old daughter loved it, which motivated me to find a trailer of my own. I own two Trek bikes, and have thoroughly enjoyed those for both the value and durability, so Trek was my first choice for a trailer. We were not disappointed. My local bike store had the CC Ryder and an older model of a different Trek trailer. Since I didn't want to spend a ton, I went with the CC Ryder ($289).
I knew this was a bit over market for similar trailers, but again, I didn't mind spending for the Trek quality. Once I got the trailer home, I was amazed by the quick and easy setup/breakdown of the trailer (the manual promised 30 seconds, and they were right!). It attached very easily to my bike, and we were riding within five minutes (most of this time spent getting her situated in the seat). Thegrideon Keygen Generator. The five point harness system provides for a comfortable yet sturdy restraint for her.
The trailer handles very steadily, and provides for an enjoyable ride for my daughter. We have only used it on paved roads and trails to this point, but hope to get it out on dirt tracks soon. I noticed her looking out the clear plastic side windows quite a bit, probably because it offered a different perspective than she has in her jogger. The only thing I would change or add to this trailer would be the wheels. I was a bit disappointed that it did not come with alloy wheels, which I think would hold up better than the plastic ones over time. However, I don't expect the trailer to take much of a pounding, as we will most likely stick to the tame trails.
In addition, this trailer does not convert to a jogger. Not that big of a deal for us, as we have a jogger we enjoy already. I can see the utility of a combo trailer/jogger however, especially for travelling.
If this is a concern, I would get a higher end Trek trailer that can convert. All in all, this is a very good product, one that provides a fun and enjoyable way for my daughter to join me in outdoor activities, while protecting her from the elements and road hazards.