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Showing a mountain deity carrying a sword Buddhism in Mongolia derives much of its recent characteristics from of the and lineages, but is distinct and presents its own unique characteristics. [ ] Traditionally, the involved worship of (the 'eternal blue sky') and ancestors and the ancient North Asian practices of, in which human intermediaries went into and spoke to and for some of the numberless infinities of spirits responsible for human luck or misfortune. Nomadic empires (first millennium CE) - first introduction [ ]. In the city of The earliest introduction of Buddhism into the Mongolian steppes took place during the periods of the nomadic empires. Buddhism penetrated Mongolia from via. Many Buddhist terms of origin were adopted via the.

The rulers of the nomadic empires such as the (209 BCE – 93 CE), (93 CE - 234 CE), (late 4th c. CE - middle 6th c. CE) and the (middle first mill.